RR Lyrae stars
Currently I am mainly interested with RR Lyrae stars.
These stars are pulsating with a period close to an half day.
Some of them are exhibiting a variation of the period, this is known as the Blazhko effect.
The phenomenon is explained here :http://www.univie.ac.at/tops/blazhko/Background.html
Blazhko period are determined from period analysis of the light curves.
KV Cnc
Multi-longitude campaign has revealed an irregular Blazhko effect. current data
DY And
RR Lyrae ab with Blazhko effect. current data
NU Aur
RR Lyrae ab with Blazhko effect. current data
RR Lyrae ab with Blazhko effect. current data
CX Lyr
RR Lyrae ab with Blazhko effect. current data
Other variable stars
GSC 1874-399
A close binary eclipsing star with an obvious difference between the two maxima.
This phenomenon is called O'Connell effect.
GSC 1874-399 is 2' 38'' apart from FS Aurigae and has been discovered in 2004.
current data
An eclipsing SU UMa Dwarf Nova i.e. a cataclysmic variable star current data