LesveDomeNet - Download page
Last update August 18th 2022
LesveDomeNet Distribution and Registration policy.
LesveDomeNet is a shareware with a free trial of 60 days.
During this period you will be able to complete your Dome Automation project
and you will receive the needed support. My LesveDomeNet development activity is
not commercial. This service is given with pleasure.
The license fee amount is 50 Euros or 55 USD.
To activate the free trial period, you have to send me the "Local code" by email at
pierredeponthiere AT gmail.com
As soon as I receive your "Local Code", I will send you a trial Registration code.
Enter this registration code and LesveDomeNet driver will be fully operational.
Without the trial registration code, LesveDomeNet driver disables the calls to the K8055N Velleman module.
To obtain an Unlimited Registration Code make a payment of 50 Euros (about 65 USD) and send me your "Local Code".
If for any reasons you switch to another PC running LesveDome,
send me the new "Local Code" and you will receive a new permanent registration code.
Registration key for the old version of LesveDome.
If you already have a permanent license for the old LesveDome and need a new registration code because you are using a new PC, just ask for it. I will continue to provide it for free as agreed at the registration time.
Upgrade from LesveDome to LesveDomeNet
If you already have permanent license for the old version, the upgrade fee for the new LesveDomeNet is 35 Euros.
You will notice that the "Local codes" for LesveDome and LesveDomeNet are different and the registration codes are not interchangeable.
Long term issues.
In the long term, when LesveDomeNet driver will be obsolete and no more supported, I commit myself to release a last revision without registration key. But it's still possible that something wrong happens to me! To cope this issue, each time a new revision is released, a copy without registration key is deposited to my son-in-law. In this worst case he has accepted to release it on the discussion group : lesvedome at groups.io.
For the license fee payment, click on the "Donate" image,
you will be directed to the secure PayPal website.
You can use Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress or your PayPal account.
Click next button if you prefer to pay 50 Euros
Click next button if you prefer to pay 55 USD
A complete description of LesveDomeNet driver is provided in the following documentation file : LesveDomeNet.chm. To avoid problems when opening the LesveDomeNet.chm file use the following procedure.
- Download LesveDomeNet.chm
- move it to a convenient directory
For Windows security reasons, you have to "Unblock" the file.
- right click on LesveDomeNet.chm and select Properties
- at the bottom of the Properties window, you will see a button named "Unblock"
click on this button - click the OK of the Properties window
- the Help file LesveDomeNet.chm may be opened without problem
Double click on LesveDomeNet.chm to open it.
The documentation is also available in pdf format:
Download LesveDomeNet.pdf
LesveDomeNet downloads
Before installing the LesveDomeNet driver check the following points:
- the ASCOM Platform must be updated to the recent version V6.1SP1 or later. It is available for free at
- the Windows Framework must be updated to 4.0 or later. It's available at
If you have difficulties to install Windows Framework have a look at the following link:
The Godaddy webserver hosting this website has put restrictions on files considered as archive.
Now the LesveDomeNet setup file will be located in a folder in the LesveDome groups.io.
To have access to this folder, you have to subscribe to the lesvedome groups.io
LesveDomeNet driver ( on August 18th 2022
- When appropriate, InvalidOperationException is replaced by
MethodNotImplementedException or PropertyNotImplementedException.
This is required by NINA application for ROR
- To download click on following link https://groups.io/g/lesvedome/files/Pierre%27s%20Folder
LesveDomeNet driver ( on May 16th 2021
- Correction of a bug if LesveDomeNet receives an invalid Azimuth value.
In this case the program raises an exception as defined by ASCOM
- This version also includes an application program LesveWatchdog
which monitors a rain sensor and takes action when rain is detected.
LesveWatchdog details are provided in the LesveDomeNet_Readme.txt located in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\Dome\ASCOM.LesveDomeNet folder.
- To download click on following link https://groups.io/g/lesvedome/files/Pierre%27s%20Folder
LesveDomeNet driver ( on March 17th 2021
No new functionalities with this release which corrects some non-conformities in respect to the ASCOM specification.
Now LesveDomeNet passes the "ASCOM Conformance Checker" without errors for the Dome and Switch drivers.
- To download click on following link https://groups.io/g/lesvedome/files/Pierre%27s%20Folder
LesveDomeNet driver ( on December 11th, 2019
- This version monitors the rotation of the dome (rotation watchdog).
If during a move the dome stalls, the rotation watchdog will stop the motor and the Dome driver will disconnect.
In Setup you may enable/disable this watchdog and define the maximum time for a 3 deg dome rotation.
If the dome has not moved of 3 deg in this specified time the watchdog will stop motor and LesveDomeNet will disconnect.
- To download click on following link https://groups.io/g/lesvedome/files/Pierre%27s%20Folder
LesveDomeNet driver ( beta version on April 9th, 2019
- This version monitors the rotation of the dome (rotation watchdog).
If during a move the dome stalls, the rotation watchdog will stop the motor and the Dome driver will disconnect.
LesveDomeNet driver ( released on September 14th, 2015
- This version fixes a potential bug in the routine calculating the remaining time to close/open the shutter.
- A new logfile is created at each session, the logfile name includes the date and time.
LesveDomeNet driver ( released on June 29th, 2015
- This version fixes a bug created during preparing the version 6 0 1 9.
LesveDomeNet driver ( released on June 22th, 2015
- This version fixes a bug related to "Regional settings".
With previous versions, some users reported that the program was pumping most of the CPU time.
And they had to un-install and re-install the program.
If you were in this case, un-install the old version and re-install the version
Otherwise, you install the new version without un-installation, this will preserve your settings.
LesveDomeNet driver ( released on November 20th, 2014
- Solved problems due to Regional settings. In the LesveDomeNet, you must use the dot as the decimal separator
even if the comma is defined in the "Region and Language" options of the Windows Control Panel.
- The setup program checks if the ASCOM Platform version is V6.1SP1 or later.
LesveDomeNet driver ( released on September 26th 2014
Old version LesveDome driver (V5.0.0.39) released on February 23d 2014
- No more registration code will be delivered to new users.
This version is provided only as a backup for users who have registered before the release of the LesveDomeNet
To download click on following link https://groups.io/g/lesvedome/files/Pierre%27s%20Folder